Some of the views that I have chosen to make a painting of are at the top or bottom of a very challenging commute, after which I'm totally out of breath; but the view from my office is always incredibly breathtaking as well. AM I BLESSED OR WHAT? WHAT A JOB! I'd rather be painting a picture than swinging a golf club (you don't want to see my golf swing, it's not very pretty), or holding a fishing pole (although I think I can tell a story about the fish that got away with the best of them). I hope you find the view from Wayne's world interesting.
I would like to thank the excellent photographers that I have met along the trail; they make everything much more interesting.
This photograph of me painting Bright Angel Trail was taken by the most entertaining man from Chenle, AZ. He was such interesting company walking down the trail. I was carrying my gear; he was carrying a huge cooler of cold lemonade for the young men that he had brought to the Canyon for a vision quest. They had begun at the top of the Kaibab Trail that morning, walked to the river's edge and came back up the Bright Angel that same day. When I got to where I was painting, he decided to wait for them there. If anyone came up the trail without complimenting my work, he would ask, "So, how do you like his painting? I'm his coach." I think some paintings are more difficult, a cheering section helps, and sometimes I need a coach bringing lemonade and a sense of humor to finish the really tough ones.